
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

One Door Closes, Another Door Opens

Today I am sharing some wisdom from my good friend and mentor, Bob Schmitz.  Enjoy!

When one door closes, another opens. We need to focus our thoughts on abundance. Let go and let God do what He does best. Everything happens according to a master plan which we are unable to figure out, but which works better than anything we could ever invent.

We don’t have to get depressed when we lose a job, or a business fails due to the economy. We just have to stay positive and expect a new door to open.

Remember that companies like IBM, General Electric, started during a depression or recession.

Opportunities are out there, and if we maintain a positive hopeful attitude, we will become like a magnet for other opportunities to show up that could be better for us. If we accept that the economy is bad and there is nothing we can do but sit and wait for it to get better, then we don’t see opportunities when they fall into our laps.

Expect the best and we will attract it to us.

Have a blessed and prosperous day!


1 comment:

conrack50 said...

You are so right Becca. When one door closes, another opens. It's not for us to understand.
Faith is the key!!

Have a great day my friend,
Connie Lou